Promonotes blog was created to educate and discover secrets of effective notation. We would like to show how notations’ potential can be used in everyday education and work. We are going to present verified ways of saving thoughts for example while brainstorming and how everyday functioning at work can be easier.

First entry is devoted to the issue which is crucial and very neglected at the same time – how to properly note on sticky notes and know the message after few days. Many times, for sure, in full focus you were thinking what is all about the code written on the yellow sticky note. That’s the point. Read how to note wisely!

Sticky notes

Unfortunately, piece of sticky note torn out from the last presentation or note at the corner of the office letter’s envelope is not exact place to note. Try to have always sticky notes with yourself. Sticky notes pads are suitable in every bag, you may put it on the table in the kitchen, corridor etc. what makes you sure that you are not to note on some random pieces of paper. Secondly, it’s good to remember to place some date on sticky note because when you find it under sofa month later it won’t occupy your mind.

Be ideal secretary for your own

Every time you make note, try to write down as many contexts as it is possible – don’t write CALL THE DOCTOR, because in two days you will be wondering if you meant vet or some drugs for your relative. If you note CALL THE DOCTOR X TO GET A PRESCRIPTION Y you will still know the point after a long time. It is similarly at work, don’t note REPORT ON THURSDAY, because you probably have many of them to write – note then REPORT FOR X ON THURSDAY 14th Feb. At the beginning, it may bring you a little bit of an effort but after some time it turns out to be an impulse.


Think a while when you make a weekly work plan – if you sum up all your tasks from the entire week on Friday or if you note in the calendar all important dates on Monday. Even on Wednesday, after the meeting with your superior, when you are able to arrange all extra activities. Choose proper day to review notes and carefully determine fulfilled tasks. It’s going to be the day when you mark and highlight important tasks and reject those which are not. Even if you find amongst many dozens of sticky notes you are not able to handle the chaos but only add unnecessary nerves. It’s also good to vary themes colouring notes but it’s further stage.

Handling the chaos led by everyday notes changes functioning. You may easily notice what change has been made during planning a day and how many things you may do on time. Try to introduce few advices from above since today. Sticky notes may be even useful at home. There is only one nice word left in the coat’s pocket or some word of encouragement to make your day better.